Posts with the tag “covid-19”

Mental Health, Part 2
May 28th, 2020
The following is the second Vlog post by Cait Beiler concerning mental health. Cait is member of RCC, a counselor and a trauma therapist with Wellsprings Solutions LLC.......  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Mental Health & COVID-19, Part 1
May 21st, 2020
The following video is the first in a series of posts concerning your mental health. Cait is member of our RCC church family and wanted to share some thoughts during these times. We pray each post is ...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Becoming a Financial Steward 8: Meeting Someone New, Part 2
May 17th, 2020
Hello again!!  Let’s jump right in where we left off!So where do we start on this journey of generosity and how do we begin to apply it to our financial lives and obtain balance? What are the benefits...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Death & Life
May 1st, 2020
What do they all have in common?Death and Life.  These past weeks of isolation has given much pause to the meaning dying to self. As we watch the news and hear of the destructiveness of this disease t...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Spiritual Practices, Part 5
April 29th, 2020
In this post, I would like to share a simple way of praying and meditating on Scripture, known as the S.O.A.P method. This is the method I use most consistently because of its simplicity and effective...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Spiritual Practices, Part 4
April 21st, 2020
So far, in this series of posts, I have led in Centering Down, Prayer of Examen, and Lectio Divina. Please feel free to return to these, and if it is helpful, follow my lead until you can do them on y...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Becoming a Financial Steward 6: The Big Discovery
April 18th, 2020
Hey there!!I am so thrilled that you are tackling your debt and working on your strategy to break up with Sallie Mae, Visa, Chase...or whoever you’ve been in a debt relationship with that you need to ...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
20 Ways to Apply God’s Truth to Your Financial Crisis
April 16th, 2020
The following is reproduced with permission from https://cuyahogavalleychurchblog.wordpress.comLike many of you, the economic impact of the current covid-19 pandemic has become particularly personal t...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Sharing Jesus During COVID-19
April 16th, 2020
Here we are, another day in paradise quarantine. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed so many areas of our lives. Some, like my awesome wife Vee, have gotten a lot busier. Some, like my friends working a...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Becoming a Financial Steward 5: Breaking Up With Sallie Mae
April 11th, 2020
Welcome back!  I’m super proud of you for creating a budget!   As I said last week, it may take you a little while to figure out the right type of budget for your personality - that’s ok!  You can exp...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Working "Remotely" For the Kingdom
April 8th, 2020
The balance of “marketplace” work and “kingdom” work has been a struggle for me to grasp. I guess you could say I have been wrestling with it since Vince did a sermon series on the topic. Naturally, i...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Spiritual Practices Video, Part 2
April 7th, 2020
In part 1, Pastor Vince explained the need for Spiritual Practices and Disciplines, especially during this time of COVID-19. He also led in a way to practice Centering Down.In this video, Vince leads ...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Becoming a Financial Steward 4: The Game-Changer
April 3rd, 2020
Hey it’s so great to see you again!  I’m thrilled you’re sticking it out with me.No matter how your date went last week, you probably left with some pretty valuable insight...maybe some questions, may...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Spiritual Practices Video, Part 1
March 31st, 2020
During this time in which many are dealing with anxiety, fear, stress, grief, and depression, paying attention to the presence of God in our lives is more crucial than ever.For this reason, every Tues...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Distancing Without Disconnecting
March 29th, 2020
We asked RCC church family member, psychologist, now missionary, Carmen Morrison to share some insight with all of us on how to remain mentally healthy during this time of being in isolation. The foll...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Becoming a Financial Steward 3: A Date with Data
March 27th, 2020
So, you are working on or have completed Step 1 (see my previous post) - CONGRATULATIONS!You took your financial health assessment and had a heart to heart. I could be wrong, but I’m guessing that hea...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
March 24th, 2020
“Oh how good it is when the family of God dwells together.” The song kept playing, but I stopped hearing after that word. I immediately wondered how long it would be before all of us at RCC would be ...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Immunity Community
March 21st, 2020
I don’t know about all of you, but, right now, I am extra happy that Jesus never meant for the “the church” to be a building. He did not call us to attend Him, He called us to follow Him. This means t...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Becoming a Financial Steward 2: There’s a New FHA in Town
March 20th, 2020
When 2020 began, I doubt that any of us had any idea where we would be and what we would be doing in mid-March. We are in uncharted territory. On the positive side, we may be hard pressed to ever reme...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie
Tuning In or Tuning Out?
March 18th, 2020
In this time of uncertainty, we can all feel the charge in the air, an uneasiness or even anxiousness. And we all have ways of coping with this unease. Sometimes we push it aside or perhaps go towards...  Read More
by Vince Donnachie



